Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

My first blueberry!

Monday, July 19, 2010

First Family vacation

We took our first family vacation this past week. I am talking about the whole Cuellar family. Daddy, Mommy, Faith and Gracie and Conway. All 5 of us went to Port Aransas for a little getaway.
We rented a cottage down there and we had so much fun. We went to the Texas State Aquarium, to the Selena museum ( don't hate! I love me some Selena ) and spent a lot of time at the beach.
Faith is my little beach beauty. This child could not get enough of the water. She was crazy!! Loved every second of it!

Friday, July 16, 2010


So remember my wetbag that I made? Well it leaks! :( I am sad that it didn't turn out how I wanted. I am glad that I found this out before I went on vacation. So I used the huge bag to hold all of our clean diapers that we took with us on vacation. It was perfectly fine for that. So I ordered another wetbag online. Until I can find the time to figure out what I did wrong, I needed another bag. I only have one right now, and if it is in the wash, then I don't have anything to put my dirty dipes in.
Here is a pic of the new wetbag I ordered. I would have gotten the pink one, but I am trying to think of the future. What if we have another baby and what if it is a boy?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

16 months

You are 16 months old. You are no longer a baby, but a little girl. You amaze me everyday.
You have such a fun personality, and there is never a dull moment when you are around.
We can't go anywhere without someone stopping us to tell us how beautiful you are. ( I think this, but it is really crazy how many other people actually think this! )

You have had a word explosion. Not only are you signing words, but you are also saying them. You try and say almost everything but you can clearly say mama, dad, book, dog,oooohhh, hot. I am sure there are other things but these are some of the things I hear over and over from your little mouth.

You are wearing size 4-5 in shoes.
You are wearing 6-12 months clothes still, although I think I occasionally mix in a little 12-18 months. ;)
You are starting to slow down on how much you eat. Don't get me wrong, you still eat a lot for such a little girl.
Your hair is getting curlier and curlier, and in the sunlight it is a dark red like mine.
You are in love with the minpins, and try t hug and kiss them all the time

You are such a special little girl. I am so glad that God gave you to us.

Love you so much baby!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

God Bless America!!!!!

We celebrated 4th of July this year with great friends and family. We went out this afternoon to the Buda City Park for BrewBQ! Lots of beer, and BBQ and good ol Texas Country music. I don't really drink, and I didn't really like the food, but the music was good. We hund out for a while and then took Faith home for a late nap. Ater she woke up and we fed her dinner we heaed back out to the park for the firework show.
She had a BLAST dancing, and haning out with her friends Devyn and Esme. She is so cute with them. We got her a glow stick when it started to get dark and she loved waving it all around.
Faith enjoyed the fireworks. She was smiling and clapping the whole time. She did so good considering it was 3 hours past her bedtime. She was so tired when we got home.
This year was so much differnet than last year. We really got to enjoy this 4th of July with our sweet baby girl. Last year she was almost 4 months old and didn't really know what was going on. This year it was awesome.

Our sweet little minpins were at home in thier kennel sedated. Conway is really scared of the fireworks, so I tucked them in and turned the TV on. They seemed to be fine when we got home. Drunk, but good. :)
I hope everyone had a great day!

Faith and Esme. Aren't they sweet???

So excited to be sitting in the big girl chair

She loved this glow stick we got her. And it came in real handy when my friend Brittany lost her keys!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

I am getting crafty!

I made my very own wetbag today. Whoop! Whoop!

It didn't turn out AS good as I had hoped but it will do the job.

I was sick and tired of looking online for a cute wetbag that wasn't crazy expensive. I don't want to pay 50 bucks for a damn bag. I have a couple of smaller wetbags that I paid over 20 bucks for, and they only hold about 5 or 6 diapers.

THIS bad boy I made will hold your whole stash of diapers. Haha. It is bigger than I had expected but Hey, better too big than to small.
I went to JoAnn Fabrics and Craft's today and bought all the stuff I needed to make the bag. I spent twenty one dollars. That is it. It took me about an hour to make, and I am pretty happy with it. There are a couple of things I would do differently if I make another one, but not too bad.
I am really enjoying doing all this sewing.