This past week was crazy. Faith got her tubes in on Monday and we thought everything was going pretty well. She was having some bleeding from her left ear, but everyone kept saying it was ok, and normal. Thursday, the bleeding was so bad that it was dripping out of her ear onto her clothes. FRESH blood, not old blood. I called the ENT doctor as soon as they opened that morning, and had to leave a message for the nurse. I called back at 1pm, and asked for the nurse and the receptionist told me that she wasn't there that day. I was kind of upset because she didn't tell me that at 8am that morning when I left my first message. So I left a message for another doctor's nurse. at 3:30 pm I called AGAIN and after a little feather ruffling, I finally got to talk to someone. She told me to put Affrin nose drops in her ear, and that it would be ok.
On my way to pick up Faith, I get a call on my cell and her ENT doctor was on the other line. He said he wasn't in the office, but the nurse called him on his cell and told him how upset I was. He told me to use the Affrin, but he did want to check Faith's ears the next day because that much bleeding was not normal.
I take her in on Friday and he said they looked good. Get this though... he tells me not to use the Affrin drops too much because after he told me to use them, he reviewed Faith's chart and remembered that she has PJRT and that the Affrin drops will elevate your heart rate. UMMM hello? That is soooooo not OK for someone who already has a problem with tachycardia! Geesh!! She is ok though and there is no more bleeding.
We had such a great weekend. We went to the Buda Wiener Dog Races. It was so much fun looking at all the dogs and going to the petting zoo. I don't know who had more fun, Faith or me? She is growing up so fast, and seeing her out and about this weekend made me realize that she isn't a baby anymore. She is a little toddler.
I enjoy and cherish every minute I spend with her. She is such a joy.
Pictures from this weekend! Look at my big girl! She really loves animals, which makes her mommy so happy.
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