Faith seemed to remember the hospital this time. As soon as we walked in, she held onto me tighter. When the nurses put her hospital bracelets on she cried. It made me so sad because previously I always told myself that Faith would never remember all the times she has been in the hospital, but clearly she remembered the last trip in February. It broke my heart. Since Faith was so anxious, the anesthesiologist decided to give her a little sedative before her procedure. It had to be given up the nose, so we had to hold her down to do it. Poor girl. After she got it she seemed to be calm, and happy to hang out with her Mommy and Daddy. The nurse let me walk her down to the surgery suite. Walking back to the waiting room was hard. My heart was hurting for my baby. My stomach was in knots, not knowing if her heart would be ok during this. I swear the procedure took less than 10 minutes! The nurse came and told us that she was out of surgery and that someone would be coming to take me back to recovery with her. This is where it does downhill. I waited for about 5 more minutes before someone came back to get me. I was kinda already irritated because I had told them that I wanted to be back in recovery when she woke up, because if she woke up and didn't see me she would freak out and it would take a long time to calm her down, and calm that little heart of hers down.
FINALLY, someone came and got me and took me back to see her. When I walked through the doors I washed my hands and out of the corner of my eye I saw Faith being held down by two nurses who were trying to hold an oxygen mask on her face. I ran over to her and started talking to her. I let her know I was there with her, and to calm down. It was too late though her heart rate was over 200 BPM and she was super upset.
I could feel my blood boiling. I had one of the nurses tell me that I needed to get her to quit crying and she tried shoving a bottle of pedialyte in her mouth. That didn't work. Faith hates pedialyte and it only upset her more. I finally picked her up and started rocking her, and would get her calmed down just a little when someone would mess with her again and she would get upset all over again.
Faith is typically a laid back, sweet, doesn't complain or cry type of girl. BUT when she does cry, it is a cry like no other. It is a cry like someone is trying to kill her. Which was how she was in the recovery area. Which in turn made all the other patients in recovery start to cry and get upset because they were freaking out by Faith.
She cried, and cried, and cried and cried some more. The poor nurse was freaking out, and thought we needed to call her cardiologist. I told her she was ok, but that is why I wanted to be with her when she woke up.
We never got her calmed down. She was hyperventilating, and had snot coming out of her face, and her eyes were blood shot red. Not a good look for her.
Finally we decided that it would be best if they let us go home. We knew if we could get her out of the hospital she would calm down. Which, Mommy knows best! As soon as we walked out of the hospital she quit crying. Poor thing fell asleep in the car but whimpered the whole way home.
After we were home things went well. She was a little crabby, but nothing too bad. What surprised us the most was how much more she walked today. She seemed to have better balance and did a lot more than usual. So I am hoping the tubes are helping already.
I got a couple pictures of her today whole we were waiting. She was sedated already so don't mind her drunkenness.
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