I can't believe it. I know I say that every month but, really where did the time go?
Faith is going to get tubes in her ears on Monday April 19th. Super simple procedure for most, but since Faith has a heart problem, we will be going to Dell Children's Hospital to have it done. The ENT, the cardiologist and an anesthesiologist will all get together before hand to get a game plan together for Faith. I hope it all goes well. I am freaking out, but it needs to be done. She has had 6 ear infections in the past 8 months. Poor baby!
Other than the ear thing, Faith ( knock on wood ) is doing great!
On March 30th, she took her first 7 steps. It was amazing, but frightening at the same time. Since then she walks when she wants to but usually thinks crawling is a lot faster.
She has 11 teeth now!!!! 4 bottom teeth, 3 top teeth, 2 molars on the top and 2 molars on the bottom. She is a SHARK!!!!
Her signing is really good. I need to make a list of everything she can sign, but I just get caught up on the day to day things and don't do it. I am terrible about updating her baby book, and getting things on video. Horrible mommy.
Hopefully, fingers crossed, we are going to meet Margaret Ramirez, from www.oldworldstudios.net for Faith's 12 month pictures. A month late, but Owell, it will get done. The weather has been such a hit or miss lately, and I want to take them outside.
I will leave ya'll with some new pictures of the sweetest girl in the world.
I need to get off the computer and gets some stuff done around the house while Faith is down for a nap.
Easter 2010
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