I have seen some other mommy blogs take this little test to see how "crunchy" they are. Crunchy is like a granola mom, or like Damian like to call me a hippy mom.
The Crunch-O-Meter is based off of 6 different topics.
Since Damian and most of the rest of the world thinks I am a granola mom, I decided to see for myself just exactly where I stand..
Birth: I tried to give birth vaginally, but in the very end, I ended up with a c-section. Dr. Edgerton says I just don't have those child bearing hips.
So I get 0 points for that.
Vaccines: I am always torn on vaccines. I want to vaccinate, but don't want to over vaccinate. So what ended up making me feel more comfortable is doing all the recommend vaccines, but spacing them out.
So I get 1 crunchy point.
Sleeping: Faith slept in our bedroom for the first 7 months of her life. She slept in her bassinet for about a week, and then in our bed until she was about 7 weeks old. At that time she went into the PICU at the Children's Medical Center for her heart, and when she came out she started sleeping in her pack in play in our bedroom. At 7 months we moved Faith into her own bedroom and she slept there until she was admitted back into the hospital for her heart again. She was back in our room for about a month, and is now back in her own room again.
I loved and still love sleeping with her, and having her near me. And she loves it too! Before I had Faith I would always say " I will never let my kid sleep in the bed with me!" All that goes out the window when you are breastfeeding and you want to sleep. It was so much easier to just put her in the bed with me and nurse her and then go back to sleep. I feel bad for Damian and Conway, because they often got booted to the couch, so Faith, Gracie and I could have the bed all to ourselves. I am sure you are asking yourself " why did Gracie get to stay?" That is a whole other story and being that Gracie is my first born ;) I couldn't kick her out of the bed. Conway loves his daddy and happily goes wherever.
1 more crunchy point.
Diapering: Up until recently I have only used disposable diapers. It wasn't until my good friend Brittany started cloth diapering that I became interested. I cloth diaper on the weekends, and after Faith gets home from daycare. I honestly don't like having to do all the laundry. It is a lot of water to be using, and takes up a lot of time. But the diapers are so darn cute! I just recently got some colorful ones! I am in love with my new clothes line that Damian put up in the backyard for me. I just love the way it looks with all the diapers on it. Puts a smile on my face.
I am only going to give myself 1/2 a crunchy point for this one.
Feeding: I am so proud to say that Faith never had any formula, only breast milk. When it was time for her to start solids at 5 1/2 months, I made EVERYTHING she had. She has never had a jar of baby food, or any of the Gerber junk. It freaks me out thinking of those jars of baby food sitting on the shelf in a factory and then sitting on a shelf for God knows how long in the store.
I am happy that I knew exactly what I was putting into my child.
Another crunchy point.
Transporting: I have had three different types of baby carriers. I had a maya wrap, which Faith hated. The baby Bijorn, which she liked pretty well, and my recent carrier, the Ergo baby carrier. I am in LOVE with that carrier. It is amazing. You can carrier the kiddo on the front, back or on your side. I love baby wearing. Faithie seems so happy when she is hanging out in her Ergo.
One more crunchy point
So Lets see, that is 4 1/2 Crunchy points. Not too bad huh?
How Crunchy are you?