You are a month old today. I was terrible with updating these kinds of things with Faith, so I am going to try really hard and do this for you.
- You are a fussy little guy.
- Your umbilical cord fell off at 15 days, and then started bleeding a week later. You had to have it coterized.
- You are only really happy when you are eating and sometimes being held.
- You have your daddy's lips, but other than that you look a lot like your mommy.
-You are a big boy, You wear 0-3 month clothes and some 3 month stuff.
- You are wearing a size one diaper, but as soon as we finish this box of diapers, we are putting you into cloth.
- You are extremely hot natured.
- You have a big sister who is in LOVE with you
-You are teaching your mommy to have more patience
- You really enjoy bath time
- Your eyes are a greenish grey.
- You are only sleeping, no more than 3 hours at a time
-You are a hairy little guy. Hair all down your back and shoulders.
- You are so loved, and we are so happy you are part of our family.
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