It is a family tradition for the women in our family to go "black Friday" shopping every year. This year it was only my mom and I that went. My Aunt's husband was in town ( he travels for work ), my other aunt didn't want to go and my sister wanted to go with her "boyfriend". ( Not cool ) but owell. So my mom and I started out at the outlet mall at 10pm and shopped until about 4pm Friday. We got a lot of good things! Most of my Christmas shopping is done, and I got myself a couple of goodies. A new HP laptop and a new flash for my camera. I have been wanting one for a looooonnnng time so I am super stoked that I finally got one. I am still learning how to use it.
I had a great Thanksgiving week and am so blessed.
I heard someone say this and I don't think it can be more true:
" I may not be blessed with everything I want, but I am blessed to have everything I need"
Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving.
My turkey. I am so proud

Gracie and I posing with the turkey. Look at Gracie staring that thing down.

Faithie helped make the salad.

And she helped eat it. LOL

That turkey didn't know what hit him!

The pups are so tired after a long day of football, family, friend and food.

Faith goofing off on Friday. I was trying out my new flash.

Cute girl

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