I am going to try and post pictures for my ten on Tuesday.
1. This weekend was BudaFest. It is a festival in Buda that they have every year. There is a parade and lots of booths with people selling all kinds of stuff. We bought Faith some new bows this weekend from ladies who were making them. Like Faith really needs anymore bows. BUT I love them.

2. We are still battling Faith's eczema. Some days it's ok and some days it's YUCK. Check it out.

3. We have been talking about Santa A LOT! Faith saw him in the mall a couple weeks ago and she had a panic attack. She wouldn't go near him. This weekend she seemed more interested and said "Sansa" over and over again, But when it got right down to it, she cried when she was in his lap. I want to keep trying until I get a good picture. Is this mean of me?

4. We also went to a wedding this weekend. Our friend's Angela and Jodie got married this weekend and it was BEAUTIFUL.

5. My daughter is seriously the best little girl. She was so good during the wedding. She only shouted out " TuTu " as my sister walked down the aisle.

6. I don't think I mention on here enough how lucky I am to have such a good daddy for Faith. Damian is seriously amazing with her. I knew he would be a good dad, but I never he would be this good!

7. Emilio's ears are starting to stand. YIPEE! I know that some of you could care less about that, but I am super excited. I hope they stand up. I love dogs with stand up ears!!

8. Both my dogs are still in e- collars. There is no picture for this. I have had enough of those damn cones. I can't stand to look at them anymore. Hopefully Gracie will get hers off tomorrow and Emilio will get his off on Friday.
9.Faith is getting a little boy cousin. My brother in law , CJ and his girlfriend Vanessa will be having a baby boy in May.

10. which leads me to number ten. People keep asking us when we are going to have another one. It isn't that easy people. Not everyone gets pregnant without having to try. Making babies for us is a J-O-B and we will start trying again in the spring. K? Now get off my back.