Tuesday, May 29, 2012

8 Month Post

Noah James, You are 8 months old today. -You are still sleeping in our bed, and honestly your daddy and I don't mind it at all. I am pretty sure that for the time being, this is where you will stay. - You still nurse about twice during the night. - You still won't take a bottle, but drink out of a sippy cup like a champ. - You are doing so great with food. - You don't sign anything yet, but when I sign milk, eat and more, you get very excited. I am hoping soon, you will sign your first sign. - You wear 12-18 month clothes. - You wear a size 4 diaper. - You love being in the water. - You think your sissy is so funny. - You are slowly getting better with your separation anxiety. I don't feel so stressed when I leave you with your daddy, because I know you will be good for him. So now we have to work on you getting used to everyone else. - You have four top teeth and two bottom teeth. I think two more are coming in on the bottom as we speak. - You are so very close to crawling. - You can pull your self up to standing. - You do not like any hats on your head :( You pull them off every time. - You weigh about 22lbs and are about 28 1/2 inches long. - You are a bitter. Not so much when I am nursing, but you bite me all the time on my arms. I have several bruises to prove it. - You are pretty happy most of the time, but when you do get upset, watch out!!!! We are so in love with you, and can't believe how fast you are growing up.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Landa Park

Saturday we loaded up the kids and a picnic and headed out to Landa park in New Braunsfuls. The in laws came along too, and I am so glad they did. My father in law grilled and my sweet mother in law watched the kids for a bit, so Damian and I could go some swimming by ourselves. I had never been to Landa park,and it was so much fun. There was a big slide, zip lines, rope swing into the water. There was also a big pool, train rides, and paddle boats. I am glad that my father in law took some pics with his iphone, because I left my camera in the car.
I promise that Noah actually has clothes, but it was really hot and these pics were in between going swimming. ;)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Faith's Dance Recital

Faith had her dance recital last weekend and I could not be more proud of her and her class. They did such a good job, and everyone danced! I was one of the stage mom's and boy, that way a hard job. Keeping up with a bunch of two and three year olds was like herding cats. Overall the girls were really well behaved.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I am so thankful that I get to stay home with my kids. I complain about it all the time, and there are days where I second guess myself. BUT, this week has been good so far, and I am thankful that I get to be with them. I love these kids so much.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

First swim of the season

A couple weeks back we filled up the pool in the backyard. It was Noah's first time in the pool and he loved it!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Happy 10th Birthday!

Today is Gracie's 10th birthday. She is my heart and I just love this little dog so much. She has been such an awesome little agility dog, and a great big sister to our babies. Isn't she BEAUTIFUL?!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Dance, Dance, Dance

Faith had a mini performance at the YMCA last weekend. Her dance class performed one of their routines that they will be performing in a couple weeks at their big recital. Faith LOVES to dance, and loves to be with her friends. Check out what a tiny peanut Faith is ;) She also dances with her tongue sticking out. I can not get her to quit doing that.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Noah's baptism

I know I am super late with this, but on April 20th Noah was baptized. I know that religion can kinda stir the pot, but I am gonna just put it out there like I see it. It is VERY important for my children to be baptized, because I wasn't as a child. My mother is catholic and my father was baptist. They didn't baptize my sister or me because they wanted us to be able to grow up and choose what religion we wanted to be. I didn't get baptized until I was in my early 20's about to get married. So I am so happy that Damian and I are the same religion and will raise our children Catholic. We had a private ceremony with just family and very close ( considered family ) friends, followed by a BBQ at our house. It had rained earlier in the day and I was freaking out thinking that everything wasn't going to go as planned, but it stopped raining and everything worked out beautifully.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Faith's 3 year and Noah's 6 month pics

Our awesome photographer meet up with us at Mayfield Park a couple of weeks ago and got some super cute pics of all of us... Enjoy