Monday, December 31, 2012
15 months
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
14 months old
Saturday, October 27, 2012
13 months old
Noah James,
- you are 26lbs9oz
- you can sign " more, eat, water,milk, and night night"
-you can say " momma, dada, sis, this, eat, and cheese"
- you wear size 4 diapers
- you wear 18-24 month clothes. And some 2t
- you are loud. You makes noise all the time.
- you are so naughty. You get into everything.
- you are a full time walker. You can't stand for me to carry you. You pitch a fit if I pick you up when you were going somewhere or doing something.
- you are such a ham!!! Your smile is contagious.
- you desperately want to be a big kid and do everything that the big kids do.
- you are so adorable. We get stopped all the time with people telling us how cute you are.
- you are sleeping in your own crib still in your own room.
- you are still nursing, but defiantly slowing down. I hope you at least keep nursing until you are two.
- you love your family. And we are pretty crazy about you too.
- you know how to open and close the doors in the house. We are in serious trouble!
We love you so much baby boy...
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Instagram hump day dump day
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Happy birthday to my sweet baby boy
You are a year old. Time went by so quickly. I look at you and I still still a newborn baby. You have been such a blessing to our family. We are all in love with you.
You are such a happy, funny little guy. You didn't start out like that, and boy oh boy I remember the first couple if months where I thought that nothing made you happy. You cried all the time. You hated the car, you hated the swing, you hated bottles, you pretty much were unhappy in general. I felt like because you we're such a high maintenance little guy everyone was really stand offish to you. Leaving me, to be your everything. I won't lie, sometimes it is very overwhelming to be the only person who can do anything for you. But other times I kinda like it. ;) I had a really hard time adjusting to life with two kids, staying at home and having a fuss bucket of a baby. But now here we are a year later, and I am so happy. You are so funny. I love watching you learn and grow. I am so thankful that I get to be with you and your sister now.
You are wearing 18-24 month clothes.
You wear a 5.5 xw shoe ( baby Shaq)
You wear a size 4 diaper
You are still nursing like a champ, with no end in sight right now( that is another post for another day )
You can say a couple words like "momma, dada, sis, this, book, "
You can sign a couple things, but defiantly don't sign as much as Faith did.
You are a dare devil. You will climb up on anything and it scares me! I am pretty sure you will give me my first grey hair.
You are such a good eater. You love to eat meat. You will get fruits and veggies, but not as good as meat.
You are starting to walk. You took your first steps for your daddy and then it seems like everyone saw it before I did.
You still crawl more than walk,but it won't be long until you are walking full time.
You are sleeping in your own crib in your own room finally!!!!!
You sleep 12-14 hours!
You take one 2-3 hour nap during the day.
You weigh 24lbs15 oz (90%) and are 30 inches (75%)
You have nine teeth now. One of your molars just popped through. We are now waiting for five other teeth that look like they are coming any day now.
You got your first hair cut on your birthday. It looks so cute!
You have a thing for cars and trucks. You even push them around and make car noises. It is so cute.
If I ask you for a hug or a kiss, you will do it. I love your open mouth slobbery kisses.
You love wrestling with your daddy.
Your sister can make you laugh harder than anyone else can.
This year has been a tough one for us, but one of the best years because of you sweet boy.
You are my Squishy Pot Pie... I love you baby boy.....
Love, mommy
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
I promise one day I will be a better blogger
Monday, August 27, 2012
11 freaking months
Saturday, August 4, 2012
10 year high school reunion
Well, I had a couple people FB me and ask me to please go, so I decided that I would go to one of the events that my class was hosting. I am really glad that I went. I had a great time and saw some old friends. Here are a couple picks that I took with my phone that night. On the way home I got pulled over for having my high beam lights on. I got away with just a warning, but I so glad that I didn't drink at all!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Summer dance performance 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Happy 10 months baby boy
How on earth are you already ten months old? It feels like just yesterday we were anticipating your arrival.
You are such a blessing to our family. We are already planning your first birthday party with your PoPo.
Here is what is going on with you this month.
- you still sleep in our bed. We set up the pack n play in our room and we have been trying to get you to sleep in it, but it really is a lost cause.
-you are such a snuggler. I love it.
- you still are nursing at least twice during the night.
- you are about 24lbs and about 29inches long
- you wear size 4 diapers
- you wear 18-24 month clothes.
- you still wear a size 4xw shoe.
- you are a really good eater. STILL
- you are into everything. You even try to pick the outlet covers off!
- you crawl, pull up on everything and a couple times I have seen you stand unassisted.
- you are really starting to bond with your daddy and I love it. But I don't have to worry because you are still very much a momma's boy.
- you love to go swimming.
- you have started crawling up the stairs.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Happy birthday Emilio
Monday, July 9, 2012
Look alikes
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
I am still alive
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Penny update
9 months old
Monday, June 25, 2012
My piggy bank
Faith swallowed a penny today. Most people I tell this to can't believe that Faith actually did this. But, she did. I spent a good chunk of my afternoon in the pediatrician's office. Dr. C said we could go get an xray to be sure she ate it, and to see where it was at. I opted out of the xray. I know she ate it, and I didn't want to stress her out anymore than she already was. So we got sent home with a bucket, some gloves and some tounge depressors. So, for the next week we will be sifting through Faith's poop to see if we find the penny. If for some reason it doesn't come out, we will go back to the doctor and see what our next step is. I seriously, can't believe she swallowed a penny.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
I wish he would slow down
I really wish that Noah would slow down just a little. He is growing up so fast. He has been crawling for about three weeks now, and today he started pulling all the way up. Look how proud he is of himself!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
My baby girl is growing up
We didn't pierce Faith's ears when she was a baby because I always wanted her to make that choice. I figured that she would probably be 7 years old when she wanted it done. BUT, oh no! Faith has been talking about getting her ears pierced for a couple weeks now. So tonight, we decided to take her to get them done.
She of course picked out ”diamonds”. She climbed up the chair like a big girl and really did pretty well. She did so good with the first ear, and was a little nervous about the second one, but did great.
When we were checking out, she was looking in mirror, smiling and dancing. She was so happy she got her ears pierced. The girl who did them was so sweet and patient. When we left Faith said ” thank you for piercing my ears”.
We celebrated with a yummy cupcake from Hey Cupcake.
I am so happy that we made a special memory for my baby girl today.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Blogging from my phone
Hells yeah! I might actually blog more now that I have the blogger app on my phone. This is awesome. Right at this very second I am nursing Noah, and blogging from my phone.
We are headed out to Movie in the Park in a bit. Tonight is Puss n Boots. I really wanted to see this movie, but right now I am wishing I was going to bed early....
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Please say a prayer