Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

I am soooooo proud of Faith! She had a very busy weekend. Friday we had rehearsal for my Aunt's wedding. Faithie was the flower girl. At rehearsal she didn't walk down the aisle. She cried and wanted to be carried. So I was freaking out.
She stayed up waaay past her bedtime, but took a couple of very long naps on Saturday and got ready for the wedding. It started at 7:30pm. ( Faith is usually getting ready for bed at his time ) SHE WALKED DOWN THE AISLE!! I was so proud. :) She had a great time at the reception.She was very social and danced the night away. Again, she stayed up waaaay past her bed time.
She took a couple of very good naps today and got up and was ready to go trick or treating. Again, I was worried that she wouldn't like it, but AGAIN she amazed us. She trick or treated like a pro. She loved it. It was so funny because she would try and take handfuls of candy. We had such a great time with her this weekend and are so proud of our little girl. Times like now are what being a parent is all about.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010


I can't believe I forgot to blog about this, but 2 weeks ago Faith poo pooed in the potty!! YES she did.
She came up to me and said "PooPoo". I asked her if she needed to go poopoo. She said yes, so I put her on the potty. I told her that she needed to push her poopoo out. I gave a little demonstration of how to push. LOL And then all of the sudden, she did it. It was soo exciting. I took pictures of it, but I am not sure if that is weird and creepy. I am just a proud mom, taking pics of my girl's first poo in the potty.

Ask me, if she has done it since that time? NOT once! Boo

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Really missing my boy

I know I haven't gone into detail about what happened to Conway on here, and I promise one day I will. But right now I am having a hard time, and missing him so much.
There are only a few people in this world who actually understand what I am going through. I didn't just loose my dog, I lost my baby. My son, my heart, my everything.

My pins were my rock during some very tough times in my life. So loosing Conway has been deviating to me.

I don't want to get myself worked up, so I am going to end on a very very VERY cute picture of my sweet chocolate drop..

Friday, October 22, 2010

Flashback Friday

Last year on our field trip to the pumpkin patch

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thankful Thursday

LOOK AT HOW FREAKING CUTE SHE IS!!! This is what I get when I tell her to say CHEESE

I am so thankful that I was able to spend the day with my beautiful daughter. She is so much fun. Today we went on a field trip to the Pumpkin Patch, with everyone from Ms.Aimee's. Totally different patch from the last one I posted about. This one is really geared towards little kids. It has a giant singing pumpkin, a hay bale maze, lots of decorations and lots of pumpkins.

Faith had a HUGE meltdown when we got there but I made her take pictures anyways. Mean mommy, I know.

She really ended up having a good time with all her friends and had another melt down when we left, because she didn't want to leave. LOL Ahh, the life of a toddler.
I took a ton of pictures, too many to post, but here are a couple that I liked.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The "Paci P"

Faith loves her Paci. She really does. I remember hearing this weird noise after was pulled out of me, and I asked what the noise wasand the nurse said" She is sucking her thumb. So this child seriously loves sucking on her paci. She was sucking on her paci less than 24 hours old. LOOK! Here she is with it!

So, I first said that by the time she was 8 months old she would be done with the paci. That was a no go. Damian and I decided that by a year old for sure no more paci.
Then 2 weeks before her birthday she ended up back in the hospital for her heart, and Dr. S told us that her paci was soothing to her and that if it helped her calm down, don't take it away. Notice her Paci in this picture.

OK, so 12 months was a no go, which brings us to 19 months!
Let me back up and say that after 6 months old, Faith only got her paci in the car, and when she was sleeping. If she was sick or in the hospital we did give it to her then.
Alright, so now I have a 19 month old who still loves her paci, which she calls a Paci P or usually just " P" Where she got the name for it, I have no idea,but P is it's name.
She is starting to want her P all the time now. Last night in Lowes she threw a FIT because she couldn't have it, and so Damian decided that it was the end of the P. I freaked out a little so we decided that we are going to start weaning her off the P. So no more P in the car. It has been HELL. She cries, and it breaks my heart. I just can't have the three year old with the paci. So, tough love it is.
Right now she is sound asleep in her bed with her P, and I am ok with that for right now. The next five months is going to be tough, getting her off it completely. Wish us luck.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Two weeks ago we met up with some friends and took the kiddos to the pumpkin patch in Elgin.
Faith had a pretty good time,even though later that night she had a crazy 104.7 fever.

Faith had a good time petting and feeding all the animals. She loves telling them " HI!!"

Jax, Lillian and Faith in the wagon.

Tractor ride!!

Sitting like a big girl on the tractor

While we were there, we saw some of our other friends. Here is Presley and Faith posing in the pumpkins.

Family picture,taken by Travis ( Becca's husband )

After the pumpkin patch, we went to eat some good ol' Texas BBQ! Here are all the kiddos. Jax, Faith, Lillian and baby Anabelle.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Mommy Blogs

I love, love LOVE reading other mommy's blogs! Check some of them out!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

1. I am at home with a little girl who has the CROUP. She has been sick since Saturday night. This is the first REAL sickness Faithie has had. She had a fever of 104.7 , she was shaking all over, her coughing sounded like she was barking. Oh it was terrible. Even though my baby girl is sick, I am really enjoying staying at home. I am always so torn, do I enjoy working or would I rather be at home all day.

2. It is 9:30am and Faith is still sleeping. CRAZY HUH? I told ya'll she was sick.

3. We went to the Pumpkin Patch this past weekend with our friends and had a great time. I will post pictures soon.

4. Don't know if I have mentioned yet, but Faith is on a Dairy Free diet. She has been drinking Goat milk since she was 12 months old, but recently, we had to take all dairy her diet. This is HARD! Sometimes after she goes to bed we make some mac and cheese because we are having cheese with drawls.

5. Going out to eat with Faith has gotten a lot harder in the last couple of months. She gets bored sitting there waiting for our food to come out, and starts throwing fits. NO FUN

6.I am really getting excited about the holidays coming up. We are going t have thanksgiving at our house this year. BOTH sides of the family are going to be here. This should be fun

7. Counting down the days until I get my new car. We are getting a new Ford Flex. I am so excited. I can't wait to have more room.

8.I have fallen off the gym wagon. I just can't get motivated. i am sure it has a lot to do with all the stress and everything that has happened over the past month. I need to go again, but honestly just don't want to.

9. My aunt's wedding is right around the corner. October 30th. Faith is going to be the flower girl, and I am so excited. I hope she actually walks down the aisle.

10. Don't really have a number 10. maybe I should just really say how much I want to blog and really keep up with it. Someone needs to hold me accountable.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Monthday Baby Girl

In just 5 short months my baby will be 2 years old. How does this happen? Where did the time go? She has gotten so big. Where once stood a baby is now a big , independent, spirited little girl. She is growing up WAY TO FAST.

Since I didn't do her starts last month, I am going to combine 18-19 months. Pretty much it is the same thing.

She weighs 22.6 lbs, and is 32 inches long.
She is wearing 12-18 month clothes
Shoe size 5- 5.5
Still a really good eater for the most part. Having some problems with veggies, but she really loves green beans, and we give them to her a lot.
Takes 2 naps usually. About an hour in the morning and about 2 hours in the afternoon.
Still signing, but not as much as before.
TALKS up a storm. Will repeat anything you say, and I mean ANYTHING! So watch your mouths.
Starting to learn colors and letters.
Loves reading books, and is getting really good at pointing to the different animals if you ask her " where is the dog? Pig? etc "
HATES going to the doctor. It is getting a little better, but it is so stressful for her.
As always I am sure there is so much, that I am forgetting.

Faith's 18 month Pictures

We LOVE LOVE LOVE our photographers Margaret and Robert ( )
We have used them since the beginning of time, Cuellar time that is. Margaret has been taking our pics since we got engaged, and it is always so nice to share our memories with them.

We got Faith's 18 month pictures done last week and they came out pretty good considering Faith pretty much cried the whole time. I guess we have now learned that we shouldn't schedule them at 8AM , and she should eat breakfast before we have them. Owell, we live and we learn.

Here is a sneak peek of the pictures.... Isn't my girl a CUTIE?

I LOVE this next one

what do you think Gracie is thinking? LOL

Please Welcome to the Cuellar Family....

Emilio Fransisco Cuellar.

Big name huh?

This is our new puppy Emilio. By no means did we get this puppy to replace Conway. That will never happen. Conway was in a league of his own,but that is another blog post some other time. ( there will be a post about Conway, but just not yet. My heart still hurts too much )

Emilio is our new Boston Terrier puppy that we rescued from a backyard breeder who was going to euthanize him because he had a prolapsed rectum. She said she couldn't make money off of him, and didn't want to pay to have it fixed so she was going to put him down.

We are Emilio's 3rd home. For being only a couple months old, that is a lot of home to go through.

Ok, so I am jumping around and around, and I need to get to the point.
We took Emilio in and had is little bum fixed, and we are now treating him for a kidney infection that he probably got when he was with his crappy BYB. He is a great little dog so far. Faith is in LOVE with him, and calls him "MiMi".
Having a puppy around is like having another toddler, and it is a lot of fun, but a lot of work, and good grief, I am tired at the end of the day.

Gracie is really having a good time with him too,but when she has had enough she let's him know.

Everyone here is really enjoying him, and he is fitting in beautifully. Be on the lookout for more Emilio pics and updates!

So much to say, but so little time to say it

I have about a million things I want to blog about, but honestly, never have the time to blog about them. I work full time, get home with Faith, make dinner, take care of the dogs and get Faith ready for bed. Then I get stuff ready for the next day. By the time I am finally done with everything I just want to sit down for 5 minutes and relax or I am ready for bed.

I am at home today with a sick kiddo. Faith has been super sick with a very high fever. We took her in this morning and she has croup. She should be ready to go back to daycare by Wednesday. Poor little girl doesn't feel good and wants her mommy.
I don't mind, because I love snuggling with her. She melts my heart.

So since I am home and Faith is down for a nap, I decided to catch up on some blogging. I should probably be taking a nap too, but I really want to start blogging more.

Get ready for a blog overload! :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blog Makeover!!

I am so excited about my blog makeover. Doesn't it look awesome? My friend Becca did it for me. I can't wait to start blogging on a more regular basis. I have so many things I want to blog about, but just can't find the time. We have been a very busy family. Hopefully, I will get this show on the road soon.