I am not sure why my diapers have been stinky lately, but it was unacceptable, so this weekend I decided to strip them.
I ordered some RLR from www.mothersmilkboutique.com ( who by the way were super nice and very fast shipping ! ) and got to work.
It took me almost all day to get all my diapers,inserts,cloth wipes,pail liners, and wet bags stripped, line dried and stuffed. As much as I love cloth diapers, I was oh so glad to be done with them last night. I finally finished after midnight.
So far today they haven't stunk, so we shall see. I also switched detergents, and I am not going to say what I am using yet until I know if it works or not. I am a little leery about it, but I have been told it does a good job.
I took some pictures of my diapers yesterday.
The first picture is of my first load of diapers out on the clothes line. Please pardon all the dog toys strung out all over the yard. Conway takes stuff outside all day long, and it is easier for me to just pick it up at the end of the day.

I am so excited to see and hear about all the other mommas out there who are cloth diapering. I really enjoy it, and when I see another mom who is cloth diapering, it makes me all giddy inside. I know I am lame, but hey it's the little things in life. My friend becca was taking a picture of her stash and wants to see pictures of other people's stash. ( Check out Becca's blog and look at her adorable little boy Jax at http://www.theparopost.blogspot.com/ )
So the second picture is of my stash. This is all I have minus the one she was sleeping in. I guess I should have put all the pail liners, cloth wipes, and wetbags in the picture, but you get the general gist of it. I think it is safe to say that I am addicted to cloth diapers. I am sure that I don't need anymore, but I like having a large stash because that way I am not having to use the same ones all the time. I feel like I will get more use out of them, if I have a lot of diapers in my rotation.

My stash is made up of : Fuzzibunz, Happy Heinys, Bum Genius 3.0 and 4.0's, one kawaii, Diaper Change Diapers, Blueberry,a couple of Flips and one diaper that a friend of mine at work made for Faith.