Sunday, May 30, 2010

It ain't easy being Green.

Over the past couple of months, I have become more interested in becoming more Green. I have already been cloth diapering when Faith isn't at daycare. I am loving it more and more everyday. If and when we have another baby, I will hopefully stay home with our two babies. Putting two kids in daycare is crazy expensive. So, if we have another baby, I am hoping to cloth diaper full time. At first Damian didn't want anything to do with cloth diapering, but today he actually seemed interested. I think he is liking the fact that he doesn't have to change any diapers when Faith is being CD.
I am so proud of my sweet husband. He made a diaper sprayer for me. It works beautifully, and instead of paying 75 bucks for one, he spent about 25 and made one. I got the instructions from

Today, I made my own cloth wipes. I used some old receiving blankets that I had. I made about 15 wipes and it took me about an hour to cut them out, stitch them together and then top stitch them. They look good and I can't wait to use them

I also made my own all purpose cleaner today. It works really well, but I don't think it smells good or clean, so I am going to keep messing with different recipes until I find one I like.

How green are you and what tips to you have for someone like me?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Veggie Tales

No, not the TV show! I don't let Faithie watch TV.

When I first started feeding Faith she would eat anything. Veggies, fruits, whatever.

However, those days have ended and Faith has become a picky eater, and hardly ever wants to eat any veggies. I try and try and try, but I usually outsmarted by a 14 month old baby.

I was talking to my friend Crystal about how she gets her son to eat veggies. She told me about this brilliant recipe for a fruit smoothie.

It is so simple and Faith LOVES it!! And she doesn't even realize that she is getting 3 different fruits and a big ol' helping of spinach.

I got a couple of bananas, a bag of frozen strawberries, a little bit of apple juice, a container of goat yogurt and some fresh spinach. ( ALL ORGANIC, by the way )

Put the spinach in the blender and add a little bit of apple juice. Blend until it is a green liquid. Then add in the fruits and the yogurt. Put it all into a sippy cup and you have a great treat. I am going to make some more soon and freeze them into Popsicles for the summer time.

I have also made this with blueberries and it was just as good. The sky is the limit. You can add whatever your heart desires. Good luck and hopefully your little one will like it as much as Faith did.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

You know I always have something to say...

Look at all those CURLS!!!! At first I didn't like them, because I also have curly hair. But her curls are growing on me. Soo cute!

Monday, May 17, 2010

I love reading blogs

I am addicted to reading blogs. That's it, I said it. Some people like to watch TV, but not me, I love reading every one's blogs. I especially love to read on Mondays. Everyone usually has really good posts from the weekend.

So my post ....

This weekend was great! On Friday I got my hair cut and highlighted. It had been a long time, and I am loving it oh so much. It is amazing what a hair cut will do for your self esteem. Saturday, our neighborhood has a community wide garage sale, so we set up shop. We didn't do too bad. Saturday afternoon we went out to eat and did a little shopping.
And Sunday we signed up at the YMCA. I am excited to start working out, and taking some mommy and me swimming lessons, and mommy and me yoga classes. Can't wait!

Hope everyone has a great week. Counting down to the weekend already.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cloth Diapering

I have always been interested in cloth diapering, but it wasn't until my friend Brittany started cloth diapering, that I started too. One of the mom's at daycare also cloth diapers. It is fun to have people you can talk to about it. There are so many reasons to cloth diaper, but you want my honest opinion on why I do it? Because it is fun! I love all the cute colors and patterns. And my new love is Rockin Green laundry detergent. They have such fun smells, and it really cleans the diapers so well. My newest smell is Smashing watermelon, and it smells mmmmmm, mmmmm good!

I only CD part time. I don't send her to daycare in CD's. I ask a lot from Aimee when it comes to Faith ( checking her heart, giving two different meds every day ) that I can't expect her to CD also. I know she would if I wanted her to, but I want to make it easier for all of us. And personally I don't want to have to come home everyday from work and clean dirty diapers. So we CD when we get home from work, and on the weekends. I don't put her in a CD over night. Too scared.

I also love my little clothes line that Damian built for me. We really aren't allowed to have a clothes line due to our HOA's rules, but we made a little discreet one. My neighbors have asked me about it, but they don't mind.

I am just enjoying seeing my sweet girl running around with her little fluffy butt.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy 14 months!

Wow! Has it really been 14 months since we welcomed this beautiful little girl into the world? It just doesn't seem real.
Damian and I were watching Faith play the other day and we looked at each other and both of us said" Where did our baby go? When did we get a toddler? "
She is so much fun right now. She amazes me every day and I just can't get enough of her sweetness!

What's new with little Miss Faith this month:

It is safe to say we have a walker! She took her first steps on March 30th, but it wasn't until the past few weeks that she took off. We very rarely see her crawling anymore.
She has started saying more words. She says, Mama, Dadda, hi, bye, TuTu, dog, book, poop, sister, she is trying to say powder. My favorite thing she says is " GO SPURS GO!"
She eats only table foods, but really has been since she was about 11 months old.
We are trying to get her to use her a fork and spoon, but she would rather use her hands. She is like a cave woman. haha
She is wearing size 3 diapers
She wears 6-9 month clothes, and occasionally she can fit into a 12 month outfit with a lot of room to grow.
She wears a size 3 shoe.
She is so smart. If you ask her, she will show you where her nose, eyes, heart and her favorite, her "button" ( bellybutton ) are. She will also point out each of the kids at daycare if you ask her.
She is still signing, and signs "please" all the time. She thinks that will get her what she wants. Haha.
She loves singing and dancing and her favorite song is "Little Bunny Foo Foo". That was my favorite song as a kid too. :) Makes me happy to see that she is like me a little. She looks soo much like Damian it is crazy.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Gracie

If you know me you know that I am head over heals in love with my miniature pinschers! Gracie and Conway are my two furry children and I adore them. They are my first born kids, and even though we have had a human baby, these two little monsters are still just as important to me as before.

Today was Gracie's 8th birthday, I just cant believe it. I want to cry just thinking of her getting older. How did this happen? Her red face is now white and she spends more time napping than she used to. I have to stop or I will sit here and cry all night.

So I took some birthday pictures of my angel tonight. We also got her a birthday cake from a local pet bakery called Groovy Dog.

happy Birthday to my sweet girl. Mommy loves you

Gracie's Birthday Cake

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

1.I have found it harder and harder to blog lately. Faith is a busy busy girl. She is walking more now than crawling. She is into everything. We love it, but at the end of the day I am so tired.
2. Faith's ears finally quit bleeding. I am so glad, because if not we were going to have to go in for some blood work. Her ENT thought she might have ITP. But she is fine.
3.I ave a head filled with so many ideas. I wish I had the time,and money to put them all into play. I want to do something with my life so badly.
4.I have the best husband EVER. I know that I complain about him sometimes, but overall he is a dream come true. Love you Babe!
5.I have finally started doing stuff for myself and it feels great. I started to tan last week. ( don't worry, it is sunless! ) and I am making an appointment to get my hair done. I am so excited. Finally going to start feeling better about myself.
6.I have started cleaning out the clutter in my house. It feels great to get rid of stuff that I don't use. My neighborhood is having a community wide garage sale next weekend, so I will be selling some stuff.
7. I am so happy that I decided to rear face Faith in her care seat until she is at least 2. And I am happy that I educated someone enough at work to turn he 13 month old back to rear facing.
8. We have started walking our sweet minpins again everyday. We were really slacking for a while, but we are on the right track to getting these babies more exercise.
9. Speaking of pins, Gracie is going to be 8 years old on Friday. My sweet girl is going to be 8. OMG, I just can't believe it. She is my first born ;) and so special to me.
10. Damian has someone coming over to clean out house on Thursday. SO happy. What a great way to start the mother's day weekend! Pictures soon, but too tired tonight to upload them.